
Group highlights

At the end of this page, you can find the full list of publications and patents.

Achieving higher standards in species distribution modeling by leveraging the diversity of available software

Which R package should I use for species distribution modeling? The answer is many of them, together. We assessed the wide variety of R packages for species distribution models and highlighted how they can work together to improve methodological standards and diversify analyses. We also introduce the new R package ‘sdmverse’ to catalog metadata for packages and visualize their relationships.

Kass, J. M., Smith, A. B., Warren, D. L., Vignali, S., Schmitt, S., Aiello-Lammens, M. E., Arlé, E., Márcia Barbosa, A., Broennimann, O., Cobos, M. E., Guéguen, M., Guisan, A., Merow, C., Naimi, B., Nobis, M. P., Ondo, I., Osorio-Olvera, L., Owens, H. L., Pinilla-Buitrago, G. E., Sánchez-Tapia, A., Thuiller, W., Valavi, R., Velazco, S. J. E., Zizka, A., Zurell, D.

Ecography, e07346 (2024)

Press Releases: Tohoku University, Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences

Biodiversity modeling advances will improve predictions of nature’s contributions to people

We explain how the latest advancements in biodiversity modeling can improve predictions related to nature’s contributions to people. Includes examples of potential implementations and discusses implications for conservation and policy.

Kass, J. M., Fukaya, K., Thuiller, W., Mori, A. S.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39(4), 338–348 (2024)

Press Releases: Tohoku University, Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences

Breakdown in seasonal dynamics of ant communities with land-cover change

Using two years of biweekly ant community surveys for 24 sites spanning an historical land-use gradient on Okinawa Island, we found that the seasonal activity patterns of ant communities were increasingly diminished as forest shifted to urban and agricultural land-use.

Kass, J. M., Yoshimura, M., Ogasawara, M., Suwabe, M., Hita Garcia, F., Fischer, G., Dudley, K. L., Donohue, I., & Economo, E. P.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290, 20231185

Press Release: OIST

The global distribution of known and undiscovered ant biodiversity

We employed an extensive ant occurrence database and species distribution modeling to map global patterns of ant biodiversity at relatively high resolution. We also estimated areas of unknown diversity using machine learning that highlight regions for future sampling to discover new species.

Kass, J. M., Guénard, B., Dudley, K. L., Jenkins, C. N., Azuma, F., Fisher, B. L., Parr, C. L., Gibb, H., Longino, J. T., Ward, P. S., Chao, A., Lubertazzi, D., Weiser, M., Jetz, W., Guralnick, R., Blatrix, R., Lauriers, J. D., Donoso, D. A., Georgiadis, C., Gomez, K., Hawkes, P. G., Johnson, R. A., Lattke, J. E., MacGown, J. A., MacKay, W., Robson, S., Sanders, N. J., Dunn, R. R., & Economo, E. P.

Science Advances, 8: eabp9908

Press Release: OIST


Full List of Publications

  1. Kass, J. M., Smith, A. B., Warren, D. L., Vignali, S., Schmitt, S., Aiello-Lammens, M. E., Arlé, E., Márcia Barbosa, A., Broennimann, O., Cobos, M. E., Guéguen, M., Guisan, A., Merow, C., Naimi, B., Nobis, M. P., Ondo, I., Osorio-Olvera, L., Owens, H. L., Pinilla-Buitrago, G. E., Sánchez-Tapia, A., Thuiller, W., Valavi, R., Velazco, S. J. E., Zizka, A., Zurell, D.. Achieving higher standards in species distribution modeling by leveraging the diversity of available software. Ecography, 2025: 2, e07346.
  2. Suzuki, H., Ichiyanagi, H., Kass, J. M., Urabe, J.. Differences in factors determining taxon-based and trait-based community structures: a field test using zooplankton. Limnology and Oceanography, 70: 1, 113-127.
  3. Blair, M. E., Noguera-Urbano, E. A., Ochoa-Quintero, J. M., Paz, A., Lopez-Gallego, C., Echeverry-Galvis, M. Á., Zuloaga, J., Rodríguez, P., Lemus-Mejia, L., Ersts, P., López-Lozano, D. F., Aiello-Lammens, M. E., Arango, H. M., Buitrago, L., Chang Triguero, S., Cruz-Rodríguez, C. A., Díaz-Nieto, J. F., Escobar, D., Grisales-Betancur, V., Johnson, B. A., Kass, J. M., Londoño-Murcia, M. C., Merow, C., Muñoz-Rodríguez, C. J., Olaya-Rodríguez, M. H., Anderson, R. P.. Software codesign between end users and developers to enhance utility for biodiversity conservation. BioScience, 74: 12, biae097.
  4. Maitner, B., Santos Andrade, P. E., Lei, L., Kass, J., Owens, H. L., Barbosa, G. C. G., Boyle, B., Castorena, M., Enquist, B. J., Feng, X., Park, D. S., Paz, A., Pinilla-Buitrago, G., Merow, C., Wilson, A.. Code sharing in ecology and evolution increases citation rates but remains uncommon. Ecology and Evolution, 14: 8, e70030.
  5. Andrade‐Silva, J., Baccaro, F. B., Prado, L. P., Guénard, B., Kass, J. M., Warren, D. L., Silva, R. R.. Common ant species dominate morphospace: unraveling the morphological diversity in the Brazilian Amazon Basin. Ecography, 2024: 11, e07121.
  6. Wang, R., Kass, J. M., Chaudhary, C., Economo, E. P., Guénard, B.. Global biogeographic regions for ants have complex relationships with those for plants and tetrapods. Nature Communications, 15: 1, 5641.
  7. Kass, J. M., Fukaya, K., Thuiller, W., Mori, A. S.. Biodiversity modeling advances will improve predictions of nature’s contributions to people. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39: 4, 338–348.
  8. Kass, J. M., Yoshimura, M., Ogasawara, M., Suwabe, M., Hita Garcia, F., Fischer, G., Dudley, K. L., Donohue, I., & Economo, E. P.. Breakdown in seasonal dynamics of ant communities with land-cover change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290: , 20231185.
  9. Suárez-Atilano, M., Pacheco-Sierra, G., Vázquez-Domínguez, E., Kass, J. M., Paz, A., Pérez-Alquicira, J.. Genomic and environmental insights and conservation challenges for two hybridizing iconic crocodile species across Mexico. Animal Conservation, Early Access.
  10. French, C. M., Bertola, L. D., Carnaval, A. C., Economo, E. P., Kass, J. M., Lohman, D. J., Marske, K. A., Meier, R., Overcast, I., Rominger, A. J., Staniczenko, P., & Hickerson, M. J.. Global determinants of insect mitochondrial genetic diversity. Nature Communications, 14: , 5276.
  11. Merow, C., Boyle, B., Enquist, B. J., Feng, X., Kass, J. M., Maitner, B. S., McGill, B., Owens, H., Park, D. S., Paz, A., Pinilla-Buitrago, G. E., Urban, M. C., Varela, S., & Wilson, A. M.. Better incentives are needed to reward academic software development. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7: , 626-627.
  12. Kass, J. M., Pinilla-Buitrago, G. E., Paz, A., Johnson, B. A., Grisales-Betancur, V., Meenan, S. I., Attali, D., Broennimann, O., Galante, P. J., Maitner, B. S., Owens, H. L., Varela, S., Aiello‐Lammens, M. E., Merow, C., Blair, M. E., & Anderson, R. P.. wallace 2: a shiny app for modeling species niches and distributions redesigned to facilitate expansion via module contributions. Ecography, : e06547, .
  13. Wang, R., Kass, J. M., Galkowski, C., Garcia, F., Hamer, M. T., Radchenko, A., Salata, S., Schifani, E., Yusupov, Z. M., Economo, E. P., & Guénard, B.. Geographic and climatic constraints on bioregionalization of European ants. Journal of Biogeography, : , 503-514.
  14. Goodman, A. M., Kass, J. M., & Ware, J.. Dynamic distribution modeling of the Swamp Tigertail dragonfly Synthemis eustalacta over a 20-year bushfire regime. Ecological Entomology, 48: , 209-225.
  15. Galante, P. J., Chang, S., Paz, A., Aiello-Lammens, M. E., Gerstner, B. E., Johnson, B. A., Kass, J. M., Merow, C., Noguera-Urbano, E. A., Pinilla-Buitrago, G. E., & Blair, M. E.. changeRangeR: an R package for reproducible biodiversity change metrics from species distribution estimates. Conservation Science and Practice, 5: , .
  16. Warren, D. L., Kass, J. M., Casadei-Ferreira, A., & Economo, E. P.. Incorporating sampling bias into permutation tests for niche and distribution models. BioRxiv, Preprint.
  17. Warren, D. L., Kass, J. M., & Economo, E. P.. Randomization analyses in niche and distribution modeling. EcoEvoXiv, Preprint.
  18. Kass, J. M., Guénard, B., Dudley, K. L., Jenkins, C. N., Azuma, F., Fisher, B. L., Parr, C. L., Gibb, H., Longino, J. T., Ward, P. S., Chao, A., Lubertazzi, D., Weiser, M., Jetz, W., Guralnick, R., Blatrix, R., Lauriers, J. D., Donoso, D. A., Georgiadis, C., Gomez, K., Hawkes, P. G., Johnson, R. A., Lattke, J. E., MacGown, J. A., MacKay, W., Robson, S., Sanders, N. J., Dunn, R. R., & Economo, E. P.. The global distribution of known and undiscovered ant biodiversity. Science Advances, 8: eabp9908, .
  19. Andrade-Silva, J., Baccaro, F. B., Prado, L. P., Guénard, B., Warren, D. L., Kass, J. M., Economo, E. P., & Silva, R. R.. A large-scale assessment of ant diversity across the Brazilian Amazon Basin. Ecography, 9: e06295, .
  20. Morente-López, J., Kass, J. M., Lara-Romero, C., Serra-Diaz, J. M., Soto-Correa, J. C., Anderson, R. P., & Iriondo, J. M.. Linking ecological niche models and common garden experiments to predict phenotypic differentiation in stressful environments. Global Change Biology, 28: , 4143-4162.
  21. Merow, C., Galante, P. J., Kass, J. M., Aiello-Lammens, M. E., Babich Morrow, C., Gerstner, B. E., Grisales-Betancur, V., Moore, A. C., Noguera-Urbano, E. A., Buitrago-Pinilla, G. E., Velásquez-Tibatá, Anderson, R. P., & Blair, M. E.. Operationalizing expert knowledge in species' range estimates using diverse data types. Frontiers of Biogeography, 14.2: e53589, .
  22. Peterson, A. T., Aiello-Lammens, M. E., Amatulli, G., Anderson, R. P., Cobos, M. E., Diniz-Filho, J. A. F., Escobar, L. E., Feng, X., Franklin, J., Gadelha Jr., L. M. R., Georges, D., Guéguen, M., Gueta, T., Ingenloff, K., Jarvie, S., Jiménez, L., Karger, D. N., Kass, J. M., Kearney, M. R., Loyola, R., Machado-Stredel, F., Martínez-Meyer, E., Merow, C., Mondelli, M. L., Mortara, S. B., Muscarella, R., Myers, C. E., Naimi, B., Noesgaard, D., Ondo, I., Osorio-Olvera, L., Owens, H. L., Pearson, R., Pinilla-Buitrago, G. E., Sánchez-Tapia, A., Saupe, E. E., Thuiller, W., Varela, S., Warren, D. L., Wieczorek, J., Yates, K., Zhu, G., Zuquim, G., & Zurell, D.. ENM2020: A free online course and set of resources on modeling species niches and distributions. Biodiversity Informatics, 17: , 1-5.
  23. Kass, J. M., Takashina, N., Friedman, N. R., Kusumoto, B., & Blair, M. E.. Improving forecasts of community composition with lightweight biodiversity monitoring across ecological and anthropogenic disturbance gradients. Ecological Research, 37: , 466-470.
  24. Owens, H. L., Merow, C., Maitner, B., Kass, J. M., Barve, V., & Guralnick, R.. occCite: Tools for querying and managing large biodiversity occurrence datasets. Ecography, 44: , 1228 – 1235.
  25. Hu, Z. M., Zhang, Q. S., Zhang, J., Kass, J. M., Mammola, S., Fresia, P., Draisma, S. G. A., Assis, J., Jueterbock, A., Yokota, M., & Zhang, Z.. Intraspecific genetic variation matters when predicting seagrass distribution under climate change. Molecular Ecology, 30: , 3840 – 3855.
  26. Kass, J. M., Muscarella, R., Galante, P. J., Bohl, C., Pinilla-Buitrago, G. E., Boria, R. A., Soley‐Guardia, M., & Anderson, R. P.. ENMeval 2.0: redesigned for customizable and reproducible modeling of species’ niches and distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12: , 1602 – 1608.
  27. Gavrutenko, M., Gerstner, B. E., Kass, J. M., Goodman, S., & Anderson, R. P.. Temporal matching of occurrence localities and forest cover data helps improve range estimates and predict climate change vulnerabilities. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27: , e01569.
  28. Zhang, Z., Kass, J. M., Mammola, S., Koizumi, I., Li, X., Tanaka, K., Ikeda, K., Suzuki, T., Yokota, M., & Usio, N.. Lineage‐level distribution models lead to more realistic climate change predictions for a threatened crayfish. Diversity and Distributions, 27: , 684 – 695.
  29. Kass, J. M., Meenan, S. I., Tinoco, N., Burneo, S. F., & Anderson, R. P.. Improving area of occupancy estimates for parapatric species using distribution models and support vector machines. Ecological Applications, 31: , e02228.
  30. Ryo, M., Angelov, B., Mammola, S., Kass, J. M., Benito, B. M., & Hartig, F.. Explainable artificial intelligence enhances the ecological interpretability of black‐box species distribution models. Ecography, 44: , 199-205.
  31. Kass, J. M., Tingley, M. W., Tetsuya, T., & Koike, F.. Co-occurrence of invasive and native carnivorans affects occupancy patterns across environmental gradients. Biological Invasions, 22: , 2251 – 2266.
  32. Kass, J. M., Anderson, R. P., Espinosa‐Lucas, A., Juárez‐Jaimes, V., Martínez‐Salas, E., Botello, F., Taverna, G., Flores-Martínez, J. J., & Sánchez‐Cordero, V.. Biotic predictors with phenological information improve range estimates for migrating monarch butterflies in Mexico. Ecography, 43: 3, 341-352.
  33. Merow, C., Maitner, B. S., Owens, H. L., Kass, J. M., Enquist, B. J., Jetz, W., & Guralnick, R.. Species' range model metadata standards: RMMS. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28: 12, 1912-1924.
  34. Bohl, C. L., Kass, J. M., & Anderson, R. P.. A new null model approach to quantify performance and significance for ecological niche models of species distributions. Journal of Biogeography, 46: 6, 1101-1111.
  35. Reid, B. N., Kass, J. M., Wollney, S., Jensen, E. L., Russello, M. A., Viola, E. M., Pantophlet, J., Iverson, J. B., Peery, M. Z., Raxworthy, C. J., & Naro-Maciel, E.. Disentangling the genetic effects of refugial isolation and range expansion in a trans-continentally distributed species. Heredity, 122: 4, 441-457.
  36. Kass, J. M., Vilela, B., Aiello‐Lammens, M. E., Muscarella, R., Merow, C., & Anderson, R. P.. Wallace: A flexible platform for reproducible modeling of species niches and distributions built for community expansion. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 4, 1151-1156.
  37. Gerstner, B. E., Kass, J. M., Kays, R., Helgen, K. M., & Anderson, R. P.. Revised distributional estimates for the recently discovered olinguito (Bassaricyon neblina), with comments on natural and taxonomic history. Journal of Mammalogy, 99: 2, 321-332.
  38. Guevara, L., Gerstner, B. E., Kass, J. M., & Anderson, R. P.. Toward ecologically realistic predictions of species distributions: A cross‐time example from tropical montane cloud forests. Global Change Biology, 24: 4, 1511-1522.
  39. Muscarella, R., Galante, P. J., Soley‐Guardia, M., Boria, R. A., Kass, J. M., Uriarte, M., & Anderson, R. P.. ENMeval: An R package for conducting spatially independent evaluations and estimating optimal model complexity for Maxent ecological niche models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5: 11, 1198-1205.
  40. Klosterhaus, S., McKee, L. J., Yee, D., Kass, J. M., & Wong, A.. Polychlorinated biphenyls in the exterior caulk of San Francisco Bay Area buildings, California, USA. Environment International, 66: , 38-43.
  41. Olson, D., DellaSala, D. A., Noss, R. F., Strittholt, J. R., Kass, J., Koopman, M. E., & Allnutt, T. F.. Climate change refugia for biodiversity in the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion. Natural Areas Journal, 32: 1, 65-74.